Congratulations to Chessaholic and Likesforests, who demonstrated that they were able to "outsolve" me in yesterdays exercise. Although there is not much I can add to Likesforests comprehensive solution (with the exception of a mate in 1 he missed), I will give the solution here again, and add a few diagrams. In this way I make it more comfortable for you (other) readers to see what chesscaholic and Likesforests came up with.
This was the position I asked you to solve yesterday. It is black to play and win.

The solution is 1 ... g3 2 Nf3+ (2. Nf1 Bxf2+ 3. Kh1 g2+(see next diagram)

Analysing this position in my minds eye, I failed see how black can win after 4 Kg2. But in fact it is very simple now. 4... gxf2

This is what I missed and what Likesforests so appropriately calls a "split"! 5. Nf3 h1Q+ 6. Kxh1 f1Q+ 0-1
Tomorrow I will return to this exercise and share some of my reflections on the fact that I failed to find a solution (and why Chessaholic and Likesforest did).
5 opmerkingen:
I see a solution quickly because I've spent hours studying pawn endgames. I instinctively draw a box with the split pawns as corners and it goes off the board--I know right away it wins. Similarly, as soon as I see B+B vs K I know it's a win so easy I could accomplish in 5 sec / move.
As soon as I lock onto an "easy win" I tend to stop looking for alternatives for myself and only look for alternatives for my opponent. I'm not sure whether I should fix this thought process--on the one hand it makes my endings look sloppy, but on the other hand I don't blow them, play fast, and conserve energy for the next game in the tournament.
Anyway, you are a coach, so maybe you have some thoughts. :)
I solved it in a minute or two. I recognized a few common themes along the way. The bishop sac, the knight being clumsy in stopping a pawn on the rim, the "split" of the king (de ezel die moet kiezen tussen twee hooischelven van Euwe). Experience with Polgars first brick helped me to formulate a narritive. So I could define in a precise way what I was trying to accomplish.
It happened to me a few times too that I gave a position on my blog which I found hard to see, while everybody else seemed to solve it with no problems. That should put you on a trace what you need to get better. So have a close look, I'm curious what you will find.
Dear Temposchlucker and Likesforests,
I hope I have answered all the points the both of you have raised in my third and final post.
At first i thought after 1. ... g3 2. Ng4 i had found the a drawing line but then i had to shake my head because i forgot that f2 is now in the penning of the bishop and cannot take on g3 and then put the king into the corner to claim draw.
hello transformation.happy to know you from chesslovers.
early in the opening better we play theory books because it is our position more secure.
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